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Backup and Recovery paper

Thomas Kyte

Jonathan Lewis

Steve Adams

Mark Rittman

Howard Rogers


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docs.oracle.com is the location of all Oracle's online documentation with a much improved search engine. This should be your first port of call if you want detailed Oracle information.

Technet is Oracle's free online resource. You'll need to register, but it's worth it for the massive amount of useful information and free or trial downloads that are available

Metalink is Oracle's online support system for users with Oracle support contracts. This is the place to go for patches, bug reports and so on.

The next two links will take you to the websites of the two user groups that I'm involved with.

The next link is particularly interesting and points to the most useful, complete and readable document describing the steps you need to take to implement proper backup and recovery for a production Oracle datatabase. Feel your remaining confusion evaporate!

There are three guys who I really pay attention to when they post to newsgroups. One is Thomas Kyte who is an Oracle employee and has an awesome knowledge of both development and DBA issues, another is Jonathan Lewis who specialises in the DBA aspects, particularly on Unix, and is the author of Practical Oracle 8i. Finally there's Steve Adams, author of O'Reilly's Oracle Internals book and all-round Unix/Oracle guru.

Mark Rittman's weblog is genuinely interesting and up to date and particularly valuable if you work on Data Warehouses

Howard Rogers has published some fascinating articles and the quality of his work is truly impressive. One of the most interesting websites I've come across for some time. His weblog is also good for a laugh!

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